Tag: Renewal

Philippians: Chapter 3 Bible Study

Philippians: Chapter 3 Bible Study I love how the NLT version words this verse at the beginning of Chapter 3 in Paul’s letter to the Philippi. It says, “whatever happens my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. I never get tired of telling […]

Daily Prayer of Renewal

Daily Prayer of Renewal Dear Lord, I need you in all of my ways and a true renewal of my mind daily. I want thoughts pleasing to you. For every word that leaves my mouth to glorify your name and be a representation of what […]

Philippians: Chapter 1 Bible Study

Philippians: Chapter 1 Bible Study A group of us women are currently going through a Bible study. A part of that study encourages us to delve into good ole’ Philippians. God has opened my eyes to so much in these chapters and has put it […]

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