Introduction to Follower by Faith

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Site Introduction: Some of what to expect. Now and in the future.

Hello and welcome to the site introduction of the Follower by Faith Blog! This will be a faith-based blog where I will discuss my personal experiences, along with what I’ve learned through extensive research, self-care tips, coping with mental health concerns, addiction and lifestyle. My goal is to release one blog every two weeks at a minimum discussing topics that are close to my heart. I pray in time God allows me to share the Gospel full time. I’m excited to use this outlet to share my faith and my struggles throughout life to help someone in need.

The Lifestyle portion will be somewhat broader topics I’d like to expand on that may not fit under particular categories. As well as lifestyle changes that factor into self-care, your mental health, and those struggling with addiction.  It’s increasingly more difficult to find content and entertainment without cursing or nudity. I want to change that. Giving people a place to go knowing the content is clean and they can browse freely.

Having the lifestyle portion gives me that option to discuss what you want to know more about. You can check out the contact section to submit your requests! I’d love to hear from you. I’m looking forward to growing with this blog alongside you guys! No one is perfect and I hope through sharing my ‘mess’, I can leave you with a good message(as the old saying goes)!  

I aspire in the future to post multiple times a week and create a Youtube channel as well. Due to my current schedule and full-time job, I don’t have the ability to yet. I want to set a realistic expectation for myself to be able to stay consistent so you will always know when to check-in. I have faith God will have everything set in perfect timing, in His timing! I’m thrilled to begin this journey with you. I pray you get inspired once reading my content.

If you have been inspired by my content and would like to help me fulfill my dream of sharing the gospel full time, please make a donation and let me know how I’ve helped you. No matter how small, I am grateful. Even if my content only touches one person to better their lives, then I am fulfilled.


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Get started with our 10 Powerful Bible Verses for Anxiety Depression.

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