Daily Prayer for Protection and Guidance

Daily Prayer for Protection and Guidance
“For that is what God is like.
He is our God forever and ever,
and he will guide us until we die.”
Psalm 48:14
Dear Lord,
I come to you today asking for your protection and guidance. Help me to find comfort in Your Word where you assure us we do not have to worry when we seek first Your Kingdom. Matthew says we should not worry about our life and what we will eat, drink, or clothes. And, that worrying adds nothing to our lives. You tell us to look at how you clothe the lilies of the field, and if you so clothe the grass of the field, which today is there and then tomorrow is thrown to the oven, how much more will you clothe us?
Protect my loved ones, my family, and me in all that we do. Guide my path to align with the will You have set for my life. And give me guidance through that small still voice and help me to yield to it. Remind me to delve into Your Word daily as it is the best guidance I have. I know you are pleased when you see us spend time and energy gratifying our spirit over our flesh.
You have already given us the tools we need to know which path to take. We have the Holy Spirit, Your Word, and a direct line of communication via prayer.
When Satan tempted Jesus He said,
“It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone; but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
We can follow Jesus’s example by confronting satan with the Word. When we need protection, Lord help us to remember to call upon You and the Holy Spirit and speak Your Word. When we need guidance, help us remember to turn to Your word where You have given us a guideline for how we are to live our lives.
Please protect and guide me and my loved ones according to Your Word. Place a hedge of protection around us keeping us safe within Your shelter. Help me to yield to your voice when I need guidance and allow me to discern that voice with Your Word. I can recognize it is your voice if and only if, it aligns with Your Word and teachings. I know the more I yield to your voice the easier it is to identify. Bless me and my loved ones with your protection, guidance, mercy, and grace all the days of our lives.
I plead the blood of Jesus over my family, loved ones, and myself and trust that we are all in Your hands.
“To be Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.”
Martin Luther
Pray for Israel
Lord, I ask you to keep your hand on Israel and protect those who need protection. Help us to do what we can do to help them. Though we know Your will, will be done and each day we are closer to You coming back, help us not be discouraged when we see these things, but trust in what You have spoken. Let us come together and pray for the protection and guidance of Israel.
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