Daily Devotional for Grief and Loss

Grief and Loss
It’s been a tough last few years for all of us. We have all experienced so much loss and change with the pandemic. This past week we lost my husband’s precious grandmother. She was everything one could hope to aspire to. A powerful, strong, and courageous Godly woman. This hurt made me want to write a daily devotional on grief in her honor. And, to help those of us who will continue to miss her day in and day out remember that God is with us through our grief and mourning, today and always. Though we hurt, we know her heavenly home awaits.
The Lord is Near the Brokenhearted
Grief and loss, no matter how many times we go through it, it never gets any easier. This life is finite. A loss like this makes it ever so evident how important it is to always strive to be right with the Lord. We never know when it may be our last day here on Earth. Though we may miss our loved ones’ presence here and feel broken, remember the Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in Spirit.
Keep Faith in God During Grief
We will have many trials and heartbreaks here on this Earth. Our faith will be tested, but His Word says when our faith remains strong through many trials that it brings God much praise, honor, and glory when Jesus is revealed to the whole world. May we keep faith in God during these times of heartache and not lose faith.
Sometimes it can be hard when going through the stages of grief to not want to turn our back on God, but no matter what don’t let anything shake your faith in God. God is good, yesterday, today, and forever. One day, we will be reunited with our loved ones who believe in Christ and there will be no more heartache and loss in Heaven.
Be with God During Your Grief
Psalms says, “The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles“. We call on the Lord during these times as we know He is faithful, and He will not allow us to endure this alone. It can be hard in these times to not be consumed and allow your faith to take the backseat, but I can promise there’s nowhere else you want to be than with God during your grief.
Give it ALL to God
God is the greatest comforter. You will find no greater comfort in the world. No drugs, foods, or other earthly things can bring you peace and comfort as the Lord can. Earthly things may bring you temporary relief, but they fade quickly. Keep praying, keep reading your Bible every day, when you feel like you just can’t take it anymore, fall to your knees in prayer and surrender to Him. Know that you cannot carry this weight on your own and you were never supposed to. Give it all to God. Allow Him to bless you with the peace that surpasses all understanding.
He will Never Forsake You
Often, we struggle to comprehend how someone can have peace after losing someone who was so dear to them, but that’s usually because they have God’s peace. Human understanding cannot comprehend the peace that God gives. It doesn’t make sense in the natural. But that’s our God. He’s so much bigger than anything we could possibly comprehend. He is with you through your pain, through your grief, through your heartache. He has not and will not forsake you through your trials and suffering.
Use Your Grief to Grow in God
Don’t allow the enemy to corrupt your grief. Use your grief to strengthen your relationship with God, not to pull away from. It may be hard, you may have to force yourself at first, and that’s okay. Set aside time to spend with the Lord alone and stick with it. Spend time in His word, pray, or just weep. Romans says when we don’t know what God wants us to pray for, but the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.
Run to Him
God created you, He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He knows you; he understands you, and he knows what you are going through better than any earthly being ever could. Run to Him, and cling to Him. He will get you through this, one day at a time.
Dear Lord,
We come to you in our pain and grief. It overwhelms our hearts for we mourn the loss of a loved one that’s so dear to us. Help us turn to you in this time. Give us comfort as your word says. Bless us with the peace that surpasses all understanding. When I weep and cannot express in words, may the Holy Spirit pray on my behalf. We need you today and forever.
In your holy name we pray,
Think of ways God has helped you in trials before. He has not and will not forsake you, don’t forsake him in your hurt. Reflect and meditate on his word. Here’s a compiled list of comforting verses in the Bible to help you remember God’s promises through your grief.
Grief Books and Grief Journals
Here’s a small list of books for grieving with Christ that I am looking into that I feel may be helpful to other’s going through a season of grief as well. They are about finding comfort as you Journey through loss. Click on any of the below images to read more about what these books, or grief journals, have to offer during your struggle.
Psalms for a Season of Grief
The Christian’s Journey Through Grief: How to Walk Through the Valley With Hope
Grief Prayer Journal Christian Bible Verses, Coloring & Journaling For Comfort In A Time Of Loss: Help for Men, Women & Teens
Even in Darkness: A Guided Grief Journal and Daily Devotional to Uncover Raw Authenticity During Grief, Loss and Depression
When God & Grief Meet: Comfort and Courage for Your Journey
Grieving with Hope: Finding Comfort as You Journey through Loss
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Hey, I'm Nicole, the Creator behind Follower by Faith! Just a hard-working, animal loving mom/wife who's been through many trials and wants to turn my mess into a message to bring glory to God through helping others. Welcome!