12 Faith Based New Year’s Resolutions for Christians

Faith Based New Year’s Resolutions for Christians
Every year we evaluate our life’s goals and make New Years Resolutions. Many have New Years Resolutions for losing weight, quitting bad habits like smoking, and tons of other things. But where is God in your New Years Resolutions or is He even one of them? Maybe you don’t know where to start or how to incorporate God into your New Years Resolutions.
So, I took some time, and I prayed and pondered on ways that can easily be incorporated into a busy schedule for us to grow with God. Then, I compiled this checklist to assist! Hopefully, this will also help you generate some ideas of your own. Challenge yourself! Growth does not happen from a place of complacency. We would love to hear your New Years Resolutions in the comments!
Read Your Bible More
Start Prayer Journaling
Play Bible Games to Make Learning Fun
Read Daily Devotionals
Listen to Praise and Worship Music
Watch Clean Movies
Represent Your Faith by the Way You Dress
Attend Church Regularly
Evaluate Sin in Your Life
Be the Change
Pray and Fast
1. Read Your Bible More
One of the best things you can do is read your Bible more often. If you are only getting a small dose of the Bible on Sunday Mornings, you are missing out on so much! This is something I intend to do better with as well. Even if it is reading a chapter a day, it is better than not getting into God’s word at all! Here’s some Bibles if you don’t have one of your own.
The great thing is usually your Bible is a one-time investment. I do feel people should always reference back to King James Version of the Bible as some Bible translations completely remove verses. We are not to add or takeaway from the Bible. NLT is easier to read, but always reference back to KJV to ensure nothing is missing. We have the Evidence Bible below; it is absolutely amazing!
2. Start Prayer Journaling
In a previous post here, we list the best Prayer Journals. Prayer Journaling is a great way to spend time with God and to increase your faith. There are many different types of Prayer Journals including guided ones if you don’t know where to start. Review the list and see which one is best for your needs to incorporate into your New Years Resolutions! Prayer Journaling has had a huge influence on my faith.
3. Play Bible Games to Make Learning Fun
Here are a few Bible games that make learning more fun. We all learn differently and what may be an easy way for someone else may be boring to you. Find which way works best for you. Finding which way that works best will require trial and error. Don’t be afraid to try different ways to see which way you enjoy learning most! For this New Years Resolution play more Bible games. There are Bible based crossword puzzles too!
4. Read Daily Devotionals
In a previous post, we have meaningful Couple’s Devotionals. If you are not in a relationship, there are plenty of devotionals on Amazon for every type of situation. If you want a devotional geared towards someone suffering from anxiety, joy, grief, or any other topic, they are out there! Here’s a few top sellers below for general devotionals to help you grow your faith this year! I love devotionals and they are one of my favorite types of posts to write. While waiting on your devotional to come in, go check out our Uplifting Devotionals section if you haven’t already!
5. Listen to Praise and Worship Music
What kind of music are you listening to? Do you have any praise and worship music on your playlist? Next year be sure you have praise and worship music on your list. Having God incorporated into every area of your life ensures your mind stays where it should. Music with crude language can have more of an effect on your mind than you may realize. We put out what we put in, so make sure you are putting in Jesus! Make it your New Years Resolution to listen to more praise and worship music if you don’t already.
6. Watch Clean Movies
Evaluate what kind of shows and movies you are watching. Try to avoid watching sinful movies and shows that have cursing, nudity, violence, and more in it. You would be surprised at the effect this can have on you and especially your little ones in the house. Make it your New Years Resolution to do better with what you choose to watch! There are clean movies and shows out there like the Chosen.
7. Represent Your Faith by the Way you Dress
Represent your faith by the way you dress. Too often I see those who claim to represent Jesus wearing extremely inappropriate clothing. We should not dress in a way to cause others to sin. We should dress modestly and respect ourselves. Believe me, you don’t want the kind of attention that comes from dressing inappropriately. This year treat your body as you should acknowledging that it is the temple of the Holy Spirit and be more modest with how you dress. Your body is sacred, treat it as such.
8. Tithe
Do you tithe? If not, this is the year to start. Don’t be greedy when it comes to tithing because everything you have is from God. Even if you are only able to tithe $10, it’s something. I think you’ll find the more you trust God with your finances, the more he will bless you. Just be sure you are tithing for the right reasons. God knows what’s within your heart. Tithing for the wrong reasons will not lead to blessings. For this New Years Resolution, figure out how much you need to tithe and start doing it! The general rule of thumb is to tithe 10% of your income.
9. Attend Church Regularly
If you haven’t found a home church already, now is the time! Remember everyone at one point was a new visitor themselves. So, don’t feel awkward going to a new church by yourself. Make sure to check what’s being taught to the Bible ensuring that it is a true Bible-based church. We should all have a good place to worship and praise with fellow Christians. Maybe watch previous recordings of the sermons to ensure it aligns with God’s teachings.
10. Evaluate Sin in Your Life
Use this time to evaluate any sin that may be present in your life. Then, once you’ve established what needs to go, create a game plan on how to overcome this sin in your life. Whether it’s telling others to hold you accountable, or speaking with your preacher for support, it’s worth it to get any sin out of your life. There is freedom in Christ, don’t allow sin to keep you a slave.
11. Be the Change
Be the change you want to see in others. One would be amazed at how much change will come out of another person by simply changing your actions. Before trying to change others evaluate your own behaviors that may be influencing theirs. If you want to see more love, show more love. For this New Years Resolution make a list of 5 ways you could be a better person. I can instantly think of 5 areas I can improve in. There’s always room for improvement. Never stop growing!
12. Pray and Fast
For things that have been burdening you for a while, consider praying and fasting into the new year. Here are some resources on Amazon to assist. You want to ensure you do it right and safely if you haven’t done it before. Fasting is great for breaking strongholds. Just remember, always do your own research. Only you and God know what works best for you. Here’s some highly recommended books on fasting. I personally haven’t read these yet and am looking into fasting more myself! If you have, I’d love to know what you recommend.
There are so many New Years resolutions you can make. I hope these few give you some ideas to add to yours. I pray everyone has a safe and impactful New Year! Thank you to everyone who has supported my blog this year. It means the world to see the outpour of love and messages that I have. I’m so thankful to see what God has been able to do through this blog and cannot wait to see what next year will look like.
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Dear God,
For my New Years Resolutions I strive to be closer to you. I long to do what’s pleasing to you. Guide me along your path and bless me with discernment to be able to distinguish what is your will versus mine. Give me the strength to follow your path and relinquish anything that is holding me back. Remove people in my life that are no longer meant to be there. Do whatever you have to, to get me to move where you desire me to.
Thank you for your never-ending grace and mercy.
What is your top New Years Resolutions? And, what’s your plan to accomplish it?!
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Follower by Faith
Hey, I'm Nicole, the Creator behind Follower by Faith! Just a hard-working, animal loving mom/wife who's been through many trials and wants to turn my mess into a message to bring glory to God through helping others. Welcome!
Adventure Quest Worlds
I love what your blog is about. I was just thinking about this and your post arrived right on time!
Hi Nicole, such great ideas in this post. I was brought up in a very religious family but since having my own family I have struggled to maintain the commitment to my faith. You have inspired me to try harder in 2022.
Thank you.
I’m so elated to hear that. I had once too gone through phases where I let other things take priority. There’s no better time to start than now. You won’t regret it. Will keep you and your family in my prayers. I pray God blesses you guys and helps you get back to a firm foundation.
God bless!
This list is awesome! I didn’t know there were bible games available, so I will definitely check them out . I want to try fasting this year and thankful that you provided resources to help do so! Really great post!
Yes! Me either! I went to my sisters and she had a Bible Crossword, so I instantly started researching some so I could share. I am wanting to fast too. Some things I’ve been praying for God to move on awhile and from what I’ve read fasting may be just what’s needed for me to get guidance on what to do.
I love your New Years Post too by the way! Definitely recommend others checking it out at dailydoseofcozy.com
Glad you enjoyed the post!